The City Commission serves as the governing body of the City of Marine City. As a board, they set policies and rules by which the city is operated, including establishing city goals and target issues to be addressed in the city, within the parameters of the City Charter. The City Commission consists of six elected officials and the Mayor. It has the authority to exercise all powers conferred upon a city by the City Charter, or by statute. They are responsible for the hiring and supervision of the City Manager, and work directly with the City Manager to conduct the business of the city. City Commissioners serve four-year terms which are staggered to prevent the replacement of no more than three members in any given election cycle.
Elections are held in even numbered years. The City Commission can only act as a single body. No single Commissioner has the authority to make orders or directives individually. The Mayor is elected to a two-year term and is the executive head of the city, as required by statute, and for all ceremonial purposes. For voting purposes, the Mayor is considered a Commissioner and has no veto power. Other roles include working with the City Manager to set Commission meeting agendas, serving as the presiding officer at City Commission meetings, serving as the ceremonial head of the government, acting as the official head of the city for civil purposes, and is responsible for the execution of the city's legal documents.
Regular City Commission meetings are held twice a month at 7:00pm on the first and third Thursdays of each month. The meetings are held at the Municipal Building and are open to the public. The Commission may also hold additional meetings for workshops or for special meetings on specific issues.
It is the goal of the Marine City Commission to provide quality city services to the citizens of our city; to maintain financial stability and economic vitality within our city; and to enhance community and neighborhood vitality.
Contact Info:
Meetings - When: 1st & 3rd Thursday of the Month
Meetings - Where: Marine City Guy Community Center - 260 S. Parker St.
Meetings - Time: 7:00pm